Cavaliers of the South (COS)

Cavaliers of the South (COS)

December 02, 2021 to December 05, 2021
Three Championship Point Shows, Pee Wee Puppy, Veteran/Puppy Sweepstakes, Junior Showmanship, Health Clinics, Seminars, Silent Auctions, Membership Fun Dinner, COS Board Meeting
Location: Asheville, NC Map
Hosted by: COS
Event Type: Annual Show, Board Meeting, Health Clinic, Point Show, Puppy Sweeps, Seminar

Sweeps: Michelle Lander, (Jayba Cavaliers, USA)

Friday:  Shirley Henry, (Shirmont Cavaliers, USA)

Saturday:  Nikki Parente (AutumnHill Cavaliers, USA)

Sunday: Sandi Olsen (AKC, USA)


Date Premium will be received:
10/18/2021 to 10/22/2021
Postmark closing date: 11/12/2021
Late closing date: 11/23/2021
Hotel reservation cutoff date: 11/02/2021
Hotel Information

Hotel and Catering Questions : Pat Mixon

Below is the link you may use to automatically add the group code when booking online (not mobile compatible)

This link has your Code VAL entered already: Cavaliers of the South

Call our toll-free number 1-844-330-0296 (24/7) and mention the group name Cavaliers of the South  in order to receive the special group rate.

For In-House reservations attendees can call our local number during normal business hours 828-285-2603 and mention the group name.

Check Availability (enter dates of stay)

Enter Group Code: VAL        

Show Chairs:
Jamie Seidman, Amanda Madden, Michelle True
Show Count:

Veteran Sweepstakes - 4

Puppy Sweepstakes - 20

Friday Conformation - 94

Saturday Conformation - 94

Sunday Conformation - 95

Junior Showmanship - 1

Additional Information:

LaZoom Tours Band & Beer Bus

WHEN:  Friday, December 3, 2021 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm (meet in lobby no later than 5:45 pm)

COST: $35.00 per person

Must Reserve by September 30, 2021 (first come first serve)

No Refunds (we will try to help you re-sell, but no guarantees

CONTACT: Jim Utych at (404) 825-4825